Block of the Month
March 20, 2027 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

The 2024 BOM program is intended to be the layout as illustrated in the photo. The overall size is 92 x 110, and is made up of twenty four 12-inch (finished) blocks and six 24-inch (finished) blocks. I will have monthly kits for the 12-inch blocks and you will make two blocks from the same block pattern each month. I will have separate kits for the 24-inch blocks on ODD months only, i.e. January, March, May, July, etc. These bi-monthly kits will also include fabric for 20 flying geese units, which you will set aside until time to make the border.
Full layout cost:
January, March, May, July, September, and November: $25
February, April, June, August, October, and December: $5
Total cost for full layout – $180
Because we realize not everyone will want to make the full layout, we are giving the option to participate using the 12-inch block kits only. At two blocks per month, you will have 24 blocks at the end of the year to assemble however you wish. The size of this option is fully dependent upon how you choose to put it together. Laura will be stocking the Hoffman 1895 batiks in her stores, so matching fabrics for consistency is assured. Depending on interest, we may create and offer a finishing kit for this option, with cost TBD.
12-inch monthly blocks only cost: $5 per month. Total cost for this option as is – $60.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me!