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Event Series Event Series: Monthly Embroidery Class

Monthly Embroidery Class

September 28, 2026 @ 10:30 am

Fourth Monday of the Month

Palm Beach Gardens

Embroidery Class with Linda

10:30 am – 2:30 pm

Class fee:   $30



Embroidery Machine in good working condition

Hoop : 5×7 or 8×12

Pins:   flat head

Clothes pins or quilting clips

Pink or blue tape

Scissors, and snipes

Stabilizer: Fabric like water soluble to fit multiple hooping (bring extra)

Thread: Matching thread, contrasting,  and matching.

The thread will show and be part of the design.

Bobbins:  Matching several

Batting:  Cut that number of fabric pieces one inch

larger than your hoop for as many sections as you plan to make.

Fabric:  cotton, color(s) of choice.

The number of hoopings will determine the size of the finished table runner.  The rainbow table runner in the picture was done in a 5×7 hoop and completed size is 6” x18”.

Decide on how many hoopings you wish to make and cut that number of fabric pieces one inch larger than your hoop—then cut the same number of pieces  for the back.


The table runner on the left would take 6 pieces of different colors for the top and 6 pieces of  fabric for the back.. these may be all one color or match the top colors.


Be Creative..Your Choice.


Teacher:   Linda Cutting

Phone: 561-523-9419

Teacher:  Linda Cutting

email: [email protected]



September 28, 2026
10:30 am


Linda Cutting


Palm Beach Gardens
3966 Northlake Blvd
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33403 United States
+ Google Map