7 events found.
Week of Events
American Sewing Guild
American Sewing Guild
This is a meeting for members of the American Sewing Guild, lecture/demo and show and tells. You can come as a guest 2 times or become a member. Colleen Bills email:[email protected]
In the Hoop Embroidery with Susan Llorens
In the Hoop Embroidery with Susan Llorens
In the Hoop Embroidery Palm Beach Gardens Recurring Third Wednesday of the Month Teacher: Susan Llorens Email:[email protected] 561-301-9569 Contact Susan for details
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens
Sit N Sew at Palm Beach Gardens Come in with your project and share ideas with other sewers! Every Thursday from 11 am to 3 pm
Quilts of Valor
Quilts of Valor
Third Friday of the Month 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Quilts of Valor Quilting Group Contact Rochelle at 203-505-0273
Beginning Sewing for Kids
Beginning Sewing for Kids
Beginning Sewing Classes for kids 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Teacher: Leonora Suglio Call 941-204-3503 or email [email protected] 3rd Saturday of the month